Saturday, June 30, 2007

I feel a bit overwhelmed. We are able to relax right now, however, there are a lot of options as far as volunteering. And there are so many people who need help. Where do we start? Who needs the most help, or whose situation is the most urgent?

Yesterday in my journal, I wondered if we will come back here once we finish our "higher degrees." So can I use speech therapy over here? Would that be a waste of my time? Meg encouraged me to go to school at the same time as Adam, since I will probably finish sooner and can then generate some sort of income. In that case, speech therapy would be helpful in the U.S. and could definitely generate an income...But what about after that?

As you can see, right now I have more questions than answers.

But I do have a book reference for you. Mountains Beyond Mountains by Tracy Kidder is about Dr. Paul Farmer, an infectious disease doctor with a doctorate in anthropology (as well as medicine). Dr. Farmer is no relation, but a huge inspiration to Adam and me; he works tirelessly with the poor to exterminate diseases such as TB in the third world. Go get the book and read it!



Anonymous said...

Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Até mais.

Random Ramblings NJ said...

Rachel and Adam,

I am enjoying reading your blog and keeping up with what you two are doing in Malawi.

I can picture both of you staying with Luzu. I am smiling thinking about this.

I have finished uploading pictures for the entries that I posted to my blog from Malawi. And I do intend to write more about Malawi as I continue to process all that we experienced in Malawi.

Finally, happy 6-month anniversary!
